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Israeli war crimes are the violations of international criminal law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, which the Israel Defense Forces, the military branch of the state of Israel, has been accused of committing since the founding of Israel in 1948. These have included murder, intentional targeting of civilians, killing prisoners of war and surrendered combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation of civilians, the use of human shields, torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting journalists, attacks against civilian and protected objects, wanton destruction, and incitement to genocide.

The World's Most Documented Genocide in History

Double down news

International law is officially dead


Stone Cold Justice: Israel’s torture of Palestinian children

Stone Cold Justice: The military strategy that sees Palestinian children in the West Bank detained, interrogated and physically abused.

South Africa files case against Israel at International Court of Justice


The case filed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) alleges that "acts and omissions by Israel […] are genocidal in character."