Under Construction…

Since its foundation in 1948 the state of Israel has established a body of laws, policies, and practices that systematically oppress Palestinians.

Because Israel’s activities have also fragmented the Palestinian population, this oppression operates in different ways. Millions of Palestinians live in exile, many in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

• There are over seven million Palestinians living in exile, many in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. The majority are those who were forced out during the creation of Israel in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba or ‘catastrophe’ (see below), and their descendants. Under international law these refugees have a right to return to the lands from which they were expelled. However, Israel has continuously denied them this right.

• Some Palestinians remained in what is now Israel. Today, 1.7 million live as second class citizens, comprising more than 20% of Israel’s population. They are subject to over 65 laws that discriminate against them because they are Palestinian.

• A third group of Palestinians (many also refugees) today live either under brutal military occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

• In the West Bank, 2.1 million Palestinians are governed under a discriminatory, unjust system of military law, face home demolitions, and severe restrictions on their freedom of movement.

In Gaza, 1.9 million Palestinians live under a brutal siege, and have been subject to three aerial bombardments in the last twelve years. Due to the conditions imposed by the siege, the UN estimated that the area would be completely uninhabitable by 2020.