• Jewish Voice for Peace is the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world.

    We’re organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with Palestinian freedom struggle.

Palestine Action

  • Palestine Action is a pro-Palestinian protest network that uses direct action tactics to shut down and disrupt multinational arms dealers.

    In particular, the group targets UK-based operations that provide weapons used in Israeli occupation of Palestinian.


  • The term “apartheid” was originally used to refer to a political system in South Africa which explicitly enforced racial segregation, and the domination and oppression of one racial group by another.

    It has since been adopted by the international community to condemn and criminalize such systems and practices wherever they occur in the world.


  • “The BLM movement has cracked a certain ceiling around radical politics. Once you start talking about Black freedom and Black liberation, you are talking about something that is not meant to be talked about. During that you open up space for Palestinian freedom.” - Amin Husain / Decolonize This Place

stop the war - CND

  • Israel is using UK arms exports in a genocide against the Palestinian people. The UK government is complicit in these crimes not just by supplying these weapons for decades, but by repeatedly inciting Israel to commit war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity, in retaliation for Hamas’ horrific killings and abductions of Israelis including civilians.


  • More than 500 people march as “Queers For Palestine” bloc, reclaiming Berlin's the Radical Queer March as a space for radical queers committed to feminist anti-racist and anti-colonial politics - BDS Movement

    PSC is a LGBTQ+ inclusive organisation

CHILD abuse

  • We’ve been able to stand with children for years because of your support. Since the 2014 Gaza war, your support has helped us reach almost 50,000 people – including 35,000 children - Save the Children

    DCIP promotes and protects the human rights of Palestinian children.

    We defend children’s rights by offering free legal aid, documenting violations of international law,

    and advocating for greater protections. Help us by joining today - DCI Palestine

Extinction Rebellion

  • The terms 'climate justice' and 'environmental justice' are used interchangeably, but 'environmental justice' came first, rooted in the experiences of marginalised black communities fighting back against their neighbourhoods being used as a dumping ground for toxic waste.

    'Climate justice' is a newer term and relates to specific injustices linked to the rapidly accelerating climate crisis, but is also linked to the growth of climate-specific social movements in the 21st century and an understanding of climate injustices as truly transboundary, international issues that demand international solidarity.

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